Lenox: Recommended Reading

ravelers may find it helpful to read about Lenox before traveling there. This can provide insight about the area as well as increase excitement about the trip. Travelers may also consider taking some of the following books with them to enjoy during their Lenox stay.
Though there is much to do in the area, many people find that lazy days reading books outdoors are an excellent way to pass the time in Lenox. Books for a Lenox trip may include:
Fun with the Family Massachusetts” by Marcia Glassman-Jaffe is a travel guide which can help families figure out what to do with children of all ages in and around Lenox.
“Massachusetts Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities, and Other Offbeat Stuff” by Bruce Gellerman and Erik Sherman is a travel guide for seeing interesting and off-the-wall stuff in and around the Lenox area. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0762… .
“Summer People” by Marge Piercy can give readers insight into the lives of people who summer in the area. A triangular love story, this book makes for light and easy reading with a twist.